Apple Macs no longer used for graphic design

Surprising new statistics published on Apple’s Website.

The iconic Apple Mac has been with us for 30 years, and to mark that occasion, Apple has published an interactive tribute on their site.

mac 30 years

The tribute guides the machines over the years with an onus on who used them and their purpose.  Users can enter details about their first Mac. Those statistics are aggregated and can be viewed as an interactive Venn diagram that shows how specific machines were (are) used and a chronological report that illustrates how Macs have been used from 1984 to 2013.


A shift in Apple Mac usage

The Apple Mac has long been synonymous with graphic design and desktop publishing; however, the statistics shown on the site suggest that in recent years the machines are used primarily for the internet and email, with graphic design and desktop publishing disappearing from the Venn diagram altogether.

apple timeline

Over time user behaviour will inevitably change, so it is no surprise that the internet and email have developed a much larger usage share in recent years. Despite these statistics, you only need to walk into a design agency at random to see that the Apple Mac are still the weapon of choice for most career pixel pushers.

Will Carey

About the Author

Will Carey is the founder of The Big Dot Company and Creative Chair. He started experimenting with digital design in the 90’s, turning it into a business after obtaining a degree in graphic design in 2012.